Saturday, September 12, 2009

Conservatives Aren't Supposed to Protest

Though I spent most of my Saturday as I do nearly every Saturday - with my face buried in a book, I delighted in watching/ reading about the coverage of today's nationwide protests.

What brought the smile to face was not the protesters or their signs (okay some were pretty good, my favorite "Think Health Care is Expensive: Wait Till Its Free). No what I've enjoyed is the Mainstream Media's (MSM) totally inability to explain and come to grip with these protests. Who are these people? Why are there so many of them?

You see, conservatives aren't supposed to protest. They just don't do that. They're what Nixon famously called the "silent majority." Conservatives, holds the conventional wisdom, just sit at home, get angry and then take it out in letters to the editor and at the ballot box. They don't ever take to the streets.

When the Tea Parties first started, the MSM dismissed them as mere disingenuous orchestrations of the Republican Party. Later as the protests moved into the Health Care Town Hall meetings, Dem congressional leaders looked like fools maligning them as Un-American and Nazis.

Read this CNN piece on today's protest. Let's see, the protesters lack a central leader, come from a variety of local organizations, aren't affiliated with any particular political party and are unified by a common theme.

I think there's a phrase for this: It's called a grass-roots movement.

But CNN and the rest of the MSM even the Dems just can't get themselves to acknowledge this. They can't admit that this President's actions have inspired all of these protests.

It seems that finally, the MSM is realizing this is movement is more than the "angry white men" conservatives have long been portrayed as. They see people of all races, from different political parties. They see mothers with children, rich, poor, senior citizens. They see Americans.

Remember when Barack Obama promised he would be the great unifier by transcending our political parties and our red and blue states? Well today is proof positive that Obama has fulfilled his promise of unification.

He has unified the conservative movement.


  1. Yep and I hope that he continues with all his crazy ideas because the more he does the more people are getting angry and getting involved. And I love that people are finally realizing that they can't trust the MSM to bring them unbiased news anymore. It's getting harder for people to go "Oh the news said the economy is getting better, I believe them." Especially when so many people still have no jobs and are losing homes. Anyway getting off my soapbox now :)

  2. You're right that his radicalism is likely to drive more people to activism and hopefully against his policies. What frightens me is the long-term damage that can be potentially done to the country. Trust me this most true in the Supreme Court. Replacing Soutar or Stevens (should he retire this year) will be of little consequence. Obama replacing Scalia or another conservative would have an enormous generational-sized impact.
