Wednesday, February 10, 2010

If a Tree Falls..

Since I started this blog last Fall, I've not gone as long as the last few months between posts. Much like my long-suffering personal journal, which has gaps that measure in the years, I've contemplated just giving it up.

Plus I often wonder if it even really matters? Its kind of like the tree that falls in the forest, if no one is there to hear it does it make a sound?

I've thought about this a lot recently, and as I approach these last few months of school before I close myself off from all of civilization to prepare for the bar, I've decided that even if that tree doesn't make a sound when no one is there to hear it - I need this.

I spend so much time ready news, following current events and paying attention to things. And for what its worth, I want to throw my two cents in.

So even if the only person to read these ramblings is myself and my wife (who, after prodding and begging eventually reads these things) I'm going to keep on writing.

That sound in the forest? It's mine.

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