You know they have no idea what's going on, because on that rare day where they venture into into the world of the informed and actually make a comment about something, they always preface it by quoting the most all powerful and omniscient source in the universe: The They.
"They say that...(fill in the blank)" Why must they refer to They? Who are the They? Well people like this have their heads shoved so far down into the ground, it takes a "they" to tell them what the heck is going on.
Well eventually, after enough time, even the ignorant begin to figure things out. Yes it takes time. Sometimes it takes more than an election, an inauguration, one hundred days or even seven months of total media saturation. Some how, some way, the unknowing finally become the knowing and the light goes on.
Which takes me to our President. Never in the history of politics or maybe all of history has someone come so far on so little. No I'm not referring to his abject lack of experience before office (yes liberals, Sarah had similar shortcomings, but she's not the President now is she).
No I'm referring to then candidate Obama. Hope, change, we are the ones we've been waiting for, what did all of that really mean? Who is Barack Obama?
Those of us who have watched this man over the last two years knew what these terms meant. We reacted in horror as he and his wife proclaimed their desire to fundamentally change this great country of ours. We warned the world of what was coming. But the world did not listen to us.
Now, finally, after all of this time, our friends are finally figuring things out. And you know what, this time for once our friends really getting things. This time, they aren't listening to "The They." This time, their seeing what this President stands for, what he's trying to do. They are finally seeing who Barack Obama is.
And you know what? Our friends don't like it. And they don't like him.
That's no suprise is it? "I'll keep my guns, my freedom, and my money! You can keep the 'change'!" What continues to astound me is the fact that he keeps saying the economy is getting better while around people continue to lose their livelihood and homes. It's no wonder 'our friends' are finally starting to wake up. Rachel
ReplyDeleteI agree. I guess what I was really trying to say was that you can only go so far with vague and empty promises. Eventually, you have take a position. He has and the public is responding - in the negative. The race card is next, trust me...