Now there is plenty of time for Obama to wake up and turn this thing around. And, believe or not I am the first to say I support the President in regards to his very unpopular yet correct position on the war in Afghanistan. He is doing the right thing there.
But let's assume BO's presidency ends as Jimmy Carter Part II. To what will the experts, the pundits and history attribute his failure?
Enter the Governor of New York David Paterson. Unlike the President, the verdict is in on Mr. Patterson who seems to start each week with a goal of setting new lows in incompetence, unpopularity and futility. Let' s just say he's meeting those goals.
Now, to what does Mr. Patterson blame his failures? On his polices? No. His decisions? Nope. Mr. Patterson blames it all on race.
How will the left explain a failed Obama Presidency? Will they be intellectually honest and talk about his polices and provisions that have only divided the country? Will they talk about his broken promises? Will they talk about his liberalism? Or are they just going to drag out that tired old race card?
Here's my challenge to all Obama supporters. If Obama's presidency fails, do us all a favor and leave race out of it.
He'll have no one to blame but himself.
NY Times attempts to blame Obama failures on the fact that most of Obama's office appointees are not in place:
Of course this is really just a symptom of the real problem: a bloated Government!
Amen :)