Most of us will recall that Edwards, who at anytime had about as much chance as becoming President as I do of, uh, receiving an F-18 for my next company car (post on that coming soon), pretty much ended his chances politically when he admitted to having an affair.
You may also recall that Edwards, always the consummate lawyer, vehemently denied paternity of his lover's baby and incredibly attempted to mitigate his transgression (not discretion as this is often called) by stating his wife's cancer was in remission! Yes because finding out someone has cheated on their cancer-stricken wife is so much more palatable when you hear the spouse actually had a chance at living!
Now comes word that Mr. Edwards will soon admit that, despite heretofore denying such, he is in fact the father of the child.
Seriously, could this guy be any more revolting? Despite "coming clean" and "taking responsibility" he now, undoubtedly due to some sort of incontrovertible evidence (read DNA) and after several years of denial finally admits he fathered a child?
Is Edwards the first Politician to have an affair? No. Do I hold as much contempt for Republicans who steep to similar behavior? You bet. But there is something about Edwards that is just simply revolting. Like the old saying goes, how do you know John Edwards is lying?
His lips are moving.
Ahh....John Edwards, our favorite cockroach! I actually laughed out loud when I heard this news. Just when I think he can't surprise me....